Microsoft Viva Insights – Queries and Analysis

Ways of Working Assessment

The Ways of working assessment dashboard uses a template that’s populated by Workplace Analytics data to conduct a broad diagnostic of a company’s collaboration culture and employee experience. It is designed to highlight collaboration patterns for different groups and organizational levels and to identify opportunities for improvements.

The different pages in the report help you answer the following related questions:

Collaboration culture
Employee experience

Enhancing Manager Effectiveness

Workplace Analytics has released the Manager Effectiveness Power BI template for HR analysts and leaders. The template provides insight into manager effectiveness across your company and helps uncover opportunities to improve the way managers coach, empower, connect, and model behavior. These insights provide a deep dive into what the Ways of Working Assessment makes available, focusing on manager effectiveness as one of the key components of the overall employee experience.  

Expensive Meetings

The Ways of working assessment dashboard uses a template that’s populated by Workplace Analytics data to conduct a broad diagnostic of a company’s collaboration culture and employee experience. It is designed to highlight collaboration patterns for different groups and organizational levels and to identify opportunities for improvements.


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